What Really Happened @ Halal Minnesota Site of Building Explosion? Homeland Security Investigating

Posts Tagged ‘Minneapolis’

Mosque & State: City of Minneapolis Now in Sharia Loan Biz

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Samira Abdalla Salim, Another “Random” Jihadist: Koran Proselytizer Stabs Two @ MN Library

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Hey, Another “Moderate” American Muslim Homicide Bomber

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Fed (Clinton) Judge Forces US Airways Caves in Flying Imams Suit, CAIR Gloats

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The Future of American Publick Skoolz?

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Islamic Minnesota Charter School is Sponsored by Al-Qaeda/HAMAS Charity

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HOprah Watch: Daytime Queen is Tough on Christian Polygamy; Muslim Polygamy–Not So Much

Posts Tagged ‘Minneapolis’

EXCLUSIVE: Minneapolis Ciggie Smugglers Are HAMASniks; Over $2.5 Mill in MN Taxes Likely Went to HAMAS Operations

Posts Tagged ‘Minneapolis’

Schlussel-conomics: A New Way To Save on Food, Products

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