TEA PARTY FRAUD: Seeking Muslim Votes, Tea Party Star Wastes Tax $s on Phony “Investigation”

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Cox’

30 Years Ago Today, Iran Took Americans Hostage; 30 Yrs Later, They Won, We Lost; Quiet Shi’ite Invasion of US Soil

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Cox’

“D-Day” in Detroit: Thuggish, Pan-Islamist Mayor Kwame “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick Learns His Fate; UPDATE: Hizzoner Kilpatrick Charged in 12-Count Felony Criminal Complaint

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Cox’

OUTRAGE: Muslim Aliens Caught Buying Up Cellphones; ICE’s Abu Moskowitz: “Who Cares?”

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Cox’

On Detroit’s Lying Pimp-Daddy Mayor & His Latest Scandal

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Cox’

When I’m Wrong, I’m Wrong: Romney Wins Michigan Primary & Here’s Why

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Cox’

Too Little, Too Late: Michigan’s Phony Atty. Gen. Postures on Illegal Aliens; Allowed Them to Get Michigan Driver’s Licenses for FIVE Years!

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Cox’

Religion of Medicaid/Medicare Fraud

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Cox’

OUTRAGE: Michigan Gov. Picks Islamofascist Who Defrauded Medicaid to Oversee Medicaid

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Cox’

GOP Official vs. Ron Paul: Saul Anuzis Needs to Look in the Mirror, Recruited Hezbollah to the GOP

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Cox’