John McCain Versus the Lawyers . . . Or Not

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Garcia’

Ultimate ICE Princess Failure: ICE to Lose Customs Authority . . . or to Return to Separate Customs?

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Garcia’

Driving Miss Julie: ICE Chieftess Dishonors MLK Day; The Myers’ Concert Rider–Must Have Diet Coke

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Garcia’

Wal-Mart Comes Full Circle: Illegal Alien Cash Opens Mexican Stores

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Garcia’

ICE Princess to Speak, Still Releasing Illegal Aliens

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Garcia’

OUTRAGE: Criminal Aliens Mass-Released to Make Room for Julie Myers/Michael Chertoff Show-Raids

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Garcia’

Wal-Mart Knowingly Hired Illegal Aliens; ICE, Immigration Chief Garcia Knew

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Garcia’

Immigration Boss Lies to First ICE Agent Grads

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Garcia’

Desperate ICE-Wives: Who is Julie Myers?

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Garcia’

No Confidence: DHS Agents Agree Chertoff is a Failure

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Garcia’