My Black/Hispanic Brother’s Keeper: These Companies Fund Obama Racism Against White Males; Trayvon Martin Parents @ Announcement

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bloomberg’

VIDEO: These Celebrities Want to Take Your Guns; Demand They STFU

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bloomberg’

FUNNY VIDEO Spot on About Bloomberg, Chris Chrispie Creme – Egomaniacal Grandstanders of Superstorm Sandy

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bloomberg’

On Bloomberg’s Obama Endorsement: So, Let Me Get This Straight . . .

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bloomberg’

VIDEO: Mayor Bloomberg Wants You To Live in Apt Size of 2 Parking Spaces, Wash Dishes in Shower

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bloomberg’

FOX News Owner Rupert Murdoch: “We Need Illegal Alien Amnesty”; FOX News’ Hannity, Malkin, Etc.: Utter Silence

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bloomberg’

No & No: Since Times Sq Bomber is Muslim, Will Mayor Bloomberg Apologize for Defaming Us? Will NBC Fire Incompetent “Terrorism Expert” Kohlmann?

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bloomberg’

UPDATED: Faisal Shahzad – ‘Nother “Moderate” US Muslim: “Not Terrorism” Terror Suspect in NYC Times Sq Bombing is Pakistani-American

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bloomberg’

The Waheed Saleh Story: America Will Become a Muslim Nation Because . . .

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bloomberg’

Could Bloomberg be the Ross Perot of ’08?; Blacks Oppose Alien Amnesty Even More Than Whites

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bloomberg’