Declining Nation: Denver Schools Re-Define “Gifted” in Response to PC Forces, Illegal Aliens

Posts Tagged ‘Miami’

Hezbollah Drug Trafficker Using Mexican Alias Flees TSA @ Miami Airport

Posts Tagged ‘Miami’

Nightmare @ The Big Box: Don’t Pay for Fake Shoplifting Charges

Posts Tagged ‘Miami’ Best & Worst Movies of 2007

Posts Tagged ‘Miami’

The Feds Blow Two More Terror Cases: Sami Al-Arian Now FREE To Go?! Ditto for Miami Sears Tower Plotter

Posts Tagged ‘Miami’

Live From the Immigration “Black Ass” Tour: Priorities, Priorities

Posts Tagged ‘Miami’

Federal Immigration Agency Still Rodney Dangerfield in Hollywood: A Symptom of The ICE Princess

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Bananas: Stupid Class Action Lawsuit of the Day

Posts Tagged ‘Miami’

Religion of Food Stamp Fraud; Terrorism-Related Activity in S. Florida

Posts Tagged ‘Miami’

Nike, NFL Must Dump Michael Vick

Posts Tagged ‘Miami’