Guess the Religion, “Fireworks” Edition; FBI Kolko Chorus: “No Ties to Terror”; UPDATE: Police Say “More Than Fireworks”, Men Charged

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I Told You So: The Muslim Doctor Terrorists Are No Surprise; Revealing Muslim Doctors’ Oath

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“Spiderman 3”: Sensitive Man Spidey’s Bloated Math

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Israeli Holocaust Survivor, Hero of VTU Massacre: Gave Life to Save Students; Palestinian Student Related to Terrorist Compares Massacre to “Occupied Territories” (but Grew Up in Saudi)

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Islam v. Judge Paruk: In Litigation Jihad, Frivolous Niqab Lawsuit Ignores Basic Law

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IDIOCY: ICE Princess Praises Illegal Alien Employers; Abu Moskowitz Checks In

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Star Struck Jihad Pimp: MySpace Teen’s Dad Pimps Her to IslamoCyberPredator, Media; FBI Roberts’ Cameo

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Muslim Jeep Attack on UNC Students Not a First

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