“A Touchy Area”: Detroit Won’t Give Firefighters Anti-Terror Intelligence Info B/c It Would Offend Arabs

Posts Tagged ‘Mecca’

Alhamdillullah [Praise Allah]!: Muslims to Invent Car; Schlussel Suggested Name: YUGO

Posts Tagged ‘Mecca’

Don’t Enter The False “Kingdom”: Moral Equivalence and Saudi Deception Populate This “Thriller”

Posts Tagged ‘Mecca’

Hilarious Quote of the Day

Posts Tagged ‘Mecca’

OUTRAGE: Homeland Security Chief Chertoff Allowed Payments to TERRORIST GROUP! Myers In On It?

Posts Tagged ‘Mecca’

20 Years Ago: “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall” (Today: Bush Tears Down Our Borders)

Posts Tagged ‘Mecca’

Whose Jerusalem?: 40 Years Ago Today, Holy City Rescued From Muslim Occupation

Posts Tagged ‘Mecca’

Welcome to D-Mecca, Sanctuary City

Posts Tagged ‘Mecca’

Religion of Espionage & Kids Performing Beheadings

Posts Tagged ‘Mecca’

Attention, Lawyers: Help Islamic Terrorists, Pay the Price . . . Sort of

Posts Tagged ‘Mecca’