Sympathy for the Devil: Even More Outrageous Behavior By Bush’s Liberal Padilla Judge; Gives Padilla Far Less Than Sentencing Minimum

Posts Tagged ‘Marcia Cooke’

BREAKING: As I Predicted, Lib Judge Cook Goes Soft–Abdullah Al-Muhajir a/k/a Jose Padilla Gets 17 Years, Jayyousi – 12 years

Posts Tagged ‘Marcia Cooke’

Padilla Verdict: Very Glad I Got it Wrong, This Time

Posts Tagged ‘Marcia Cooke’

Padilla/Al-Muhajir Walk Watch, Day One

Posts Tagged ‘Marcia Cooke’

Goodbye, “24”; Hello, “Traveler”

Posts Tagged ‘Marcia Cooke’

Padilla Walk Watch: More Bad News in the Trial of an Islamic Terrorist

Posts Tagged ‘Marcia Cooke’

Padilla Walk Watch: USA Today’s Giant Valentine to a Terrorist

Posts Tagged ‘Marcia Cooke’

Nadir of Slippery Slope?: Terrorist Padilla to See U.S. Secrets

Posts Tagged ‘Marcia Cooke’