Tom Lantos, Z”L*: Rare Democrat Who Understood Islamic Terror Will Be Missed

Posts Tagged ‘Majority Leader’

Supe* Sunday Odds & Ends, Open Thread: James Carville to Pollute Your Supe Screen, Petty Silent on Hillary, ICE Agents Doing NFL’s Work, Etc.

Posts Tagged ‘Majority Leader’

Story on Myers’ ICE Nomination, Not News; News: Unrepresentative DHS Black Org Has No Self-Respect; News: Joe Lieberman Worse Panderer Than Earlier Diagnosed; News: Sen. McCaskill – No Backbone, Sen. Bond – Myers’ Hubby’s Cousin Has Backbone

Posts Tagged ‘Majority Leader’

What is Michael Chertoff Doing on May Day?

Posts Tagged ‘Majority Leader’

ICE Princess on Ice?: U.S. Senate Says NO to Julie Myers Recess Appointment

Posts Tagged ‘Majority Leader’

My “Mark Foley Moment”: How GOP vs. Dems Treat Their Sex Offenders

Posts Tagged ‘Majority Leader’

OUTRAGE: Majority Leader Boehner Pressures ICE to Repatriate Muslim Illegal Alien

Posts Tagged ‘Majority Leader’