The Muslim False Rape Accuser Dividend: NYC Hotel Maids Get “DSK” Anti-Rape Buttons

Posts Tagged ‘maids’

Kuwaiti Newspaper: “Keep Your Kids Away From Black Jewish Maids, They Practice Black Magic”

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The Dallas Muslim Honor Killings & ICE: I Correctly Called It, Dallas HQ, Plus Policy Implications

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Thank G-d, She Can’t Be Prez: Michigan Guv Calls Voters “Racist,” Continues to Summer in Tax-Paid Mansion

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Stupid Headline of the Day; New Euphemism for Open Borders: “Immigration Overhaul”

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IDIOCY: ICE Princess Praises Illegal Alien Employers; Abu Moskowitz Checks In

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It Figures: Golden Globe for Anti-American, Pro-Illegal Alien, Pro-Islamist Movie

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End Reverse Racism/Sexism Now: VOTE YES on Michigan Proposal 2

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