VIDEO: ABC News Lies to Fit “Evil Rich White People v. Blacks” Murder Narrative

Posts Tagged ‘liberal media’

Jewish Media, ADL, Snopes Work Overtime Whitewashing Anti-Israel Whole Foods; Here Are the FACTS

Posts Tagged ‘liberal media’

ABC News Blames Giffords Shooting on AZ Immigration Law – So Predictable

Posts Tagged ‘liberal media’

Blame it on Christmas: MSM, Detroit Free Press Lie About Shi’ite Muslim Murderer Ihab Maslamani; Falsely Claim He’s Christian

Posts Tagged ‘liberal media’

Shameless Al Sharpton Shakedown #34588: Wants Olympics to Boycott Chicago

Posts Tagged ‘liberal media’

Mein Fuhrer, Media Matters: Thanks, Keith Olbermann and Nazi George Soros

Posts Tagged ‘liberal media’

Hypocritical Headline of the Day (& Story, Too)

Posts Tagged ‘liberal media’

USA Today Runs Another Fake Story

Posts Tagged ‘liberal media’