More Sharia in Dearbornistan: Vietnam Vet Lawsuit Against Muslim-Based Discrimination

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Another “Dividend” of US Army’s PC Islamo-Pandering to Nidal Malik Hasan

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GREAT VIDEO: Judge Judy Spot On About Dumb White Castle Fat Guy Lawsuit

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DumbAssity Lawsuit of the Day: Single Mom Cougar Romance Gone Wrong

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“Sister Wives” Lawsuit Front for Sharia Bigamy; Lawyer Rep’d Islamic Terrorist Leader, Trolled Arab Lecture Circuit

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What’s the FBI Hiding? Agency Claims it “Lost” Videotape of OK City Bombing

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Sick of the Faux “Outrage” Over Southwest Pilot’s Private Conversation?

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Told Ya!: Thousands of Muslim Aliens Sue for Green Card Over State Dept “Glitch”

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After State Dept “Glitch,” Millions of Muslims Could Get Green Cards, Citizenship

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InfoSys Committed Immigration/Visa Fraud to Give U.S. Jobs to Aliens

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