Absurd: Law Students Fight for ’93 WTC Bombers’ “Rights” to Recruit Jihadists from Jail; Feds Blowing Case

Posts Tagged ‘law professor’

The Feds Blow Two More Terror Cases: Sami Al-Arian Now FREE To Go?! Ditto for Miami Sears Tower Plotter

Posts Tagged ‘law professor’

DUMB to the Nth: FBI Imitates “Transformers” Movie, Gives Teens Top Secret Clearance

Posts Tagged ‘law professor’

Daddy Dearest: Gilad Shalit’s Pop Becomes Israeli Cindy Sheehan; FOX News Reporteratrix Clueless

Posts Tagged ‘law professor’

Thanks, USA Today: Dumb Pro-Hezbollah Headline of the Week

Posts Tagged ‘law professor’

Gift Horse: Terrorist Al-Arian Challenges Light Sentence; Hires Rwanda Genocide Defender

Posts Tagged ‘law professor’

Update on Thursday’s Extensive Rush Limbaugh Mentions of Me and This Site

Posts Tagged ‘law professor’

RUSH Limbaugh Mentions Me Again!

Posts Tagged ‘law professor’