FBI . . . Again: “No Terrorism, Here; Move Along”

Posts Tagged ‘law enforcement’

So, Two Polygamists Walk Into a Bar . . .

Posts Tagged ‘law enforcement’

CYA Reading of the Day: Congress Excoriates DHS’ ICE Princess, “Serpenthead” Over Racist Behavior/Cover-Up; What is DHS/ICE Hiding in Secret Internal Report?

Posts Tagged ‘law enforcement’

Forget McDonald’s, Border Patrol Drops High School Grad Requirement

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Open Borders Millionaire: Meet Illegal Aliens’ Mr. Moneybags

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Jerusalem . . . Detroit: The Attacks on Jews Continue Their Escalation

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Unhappy Birthday, Homeland Security

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The Bush “Persecute Border Patrol Agents” Doctrine Continues: Trial of Border Agent Began Today

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NIGHTMARE: ICE Agents Worry McCain Will Keep ICE Mob Princess; Many Will Vote 4 Dem Nominee to Rid Her

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Homeland Security’s Phony Fingerprint Crackdown: Princess’ ICE Not Following Through

Posts Tagged ‘law enforcement’