Women’s Mag Whitewashes (& Cheers) Hezbollah Spy

Posts Tagged ‘La Shish’

Why did Michele Bachmann Hire Pan-Arabist Ed Rollins to Run Campaign?

Posts Tagged ‘La Shish’

UPDATED w/ Full 60 Mins Video- SICKENING: “60 Minutes” Whitewashes Hezbollah Spy Nada Nadim Prouty (& Cites My NY Post Column)

Posts Tagged ‘La Shish’

Hezbollah Restaurant Closes, But Tragedy is that US Govt Allowed it to Remain Open for TWO Years

Posts Tagged ‘La Shish’

So Sad, Too Bad: Hezbollah Money-Laundering Restaurant Chain in Michigan Loses Money

Posts Tagged ‘La Shish’

La Shish Owner Indicted: Does Your Fave Mid-East Restaurant Fund Terror?

Posts Tagged ‘La Shish’