Would You Like a Koran With That Cancer Treatment?

Posts Tagged ‘Keith Ellison’

Thanks, Dr. Death: Suicide Doctor’s Nader-esque Congressional Race Will Help Hezbollah’s Republican Get Re-Elected; SCHLUSSEL Endorses Dems Running Against Hezbo Republicans

Posts Tagged ‘Keith Ellison’

Getting Closer to Long-Term Domination Goal: 2nd Muslim Elected to Congress

Posts Tagged ‘Keith Ellison’

Lefty Loon Rabbi Defends Michael Vick, Plays Race Card, Rants Against Corporations

Posts Tagged ‘Keith Ellison’

Anti-Semitic Muslim Congressman is New State Dept. Posterboy

Posts Tagged ‘Keith Ellison’

More “24” BS

Posts Tagged ‘Keith Ellison’

UPDATE: NO, I DO NOT Support Gay Rights; Brokeback Radio: Me On Sirius Satellite Gay Channel Today

Posts Tagged ‘Keith Ellison’

On Muslim Immigration: Congressman Goode Responds

Posts Tagged ‘Keith Ellison’

I Have a Scheme: Islamists Hold Phony Martin Luther King Jr. Contest

Posts Tagged ‘Keith Ellison’

American Islamic “Youth Mentor” Tied to HAMAS, Fired by Even Ex-Rep. McKinney

Posts Tagged ‘Keith Ellison’