She’s BAAACK: Bush ICE Princess Cashes In on Ignoring Illegal Alien Probs; Chipotle Raises Prices to Pay Her

Posts Tagged ‘Julie Myers’

CYA Reading of the Day: Congress Excoriates DHS’ ICE Princess, “Serpenthead” Over Racist Behavior/Cover-Up; What is DHS/ICE Hiding in Secret Internal Report?

Posts Tagged ‘Julie Myers’

Unhappy Birthday, Homeland Security

Posts Tagged ‘Julie Myers’

A Passage From India: The Aftermath of H1-B Visas and Julie Myers

Posts Tagged ‘Julie Myers’

John McCain Versus the Lawyers . . . Or Not

Posts Tagged ‘Julie Myers’

Serpenthead’s Strange New “Plan” for Homeland Security in a Time of Danger

Posts Tagged ‘Julie Myers’

Bush 2nd Most Popular 2008 Calendar . . . And, PLEASE, No More Naked Old Lady Charity Calendars

Posts Tagged ‘Julie Myers’

Credibility is Important: On the Myers ICE Confirmation

Posts Tagged ‘Julie Myers’

Live From the Immigration “Black Ass” Tour: Priorities, Priorities

Posts Tagged ‘Julie Myers’

ICE Princess Faked Press Conference: Immigration Chief Knowingly Called on ICE Spokeswoman w/Planted Question

Posts Tagged ‘Julie Myers’