HILARIOUS: Guess Who’s Buying Al Gore’s Current TV Network? Hint: They Love Al Qaeda, Hate US & Israel

Posts Tagged ‘Joy Behar’

ABC “View” Hags Attack Orthodox Jews (Flashback: Walked Out When O’Reilly Said Muslims Did 9/11)

Posts Tagged ‘Joy Behar’

Weekend Box Office: Hall Pass, Drive Angry 3D

Posts Tagged ‘Joy Behar’

HA! Sharron Angle’s Response to Behar: “Thanks for the $150K You Raised Me”

Posts Tagged ‘Joy Behar’

VIDEO – “View’s” Joy Behar on Sharron Angle: “This Bitch is Going to Hell”

Posts Tagged ‘Joy Behar’

COMPLETE VIDEO: Watch Bill O’Reilly Surrender Testicles to “View” Hags Over Islam, 9/11

Posts Tagged ‘Joy Behar’

UPDATED – MORONIC: “View” Hosts Walk Out on O’Reilly Over Muslims, 9/11; Pinhead O’Reilly APOLOGIZES!

Posts Tagged ‘Joy Behar’

OUTRAGE: Whoopi Goldberg Defends Helen tHAMAS’ Anti-Semitic Remarks

Posts Tagged ‘Joy Behar’

That’s Conservative?: Elisabeth Hasselbeck Praises Silencing Ann Coulter

Posts Tagged ‘Joy Behar’

Three Cheers for Tim Tebow (& CBS): Heisman Winner Who Wasn’t Aborted

Posts Tagged ‘Joy Behar’