Uncle Tom’s ICE: Congressmen, Senators Now “Shocked” At Myers Blackface Photos

Posts Tagged ‘John Wood’

Story on Myers’ ICE Nomination, Not News; News: Unrepresentative DHS Black Org Has No Self-Respect; News: Joe Lieberman Worse Panderer Than Earlier Diagnosed; News: Sen. McCaskill – No Backbone, Sen. Bond – Myers’ Hubby’s Cousin Has Backbone

Posts Tagged ‘John Wood’

Cronyist DHS Family Hogs: Gonzales KO’d U.S. Atty for Mr. ICE Princess

Posts Tagged ‘John Wood’

Is ICE Princess Julie Myers Leaking Anti-Giuliani, Anti-Bush Info to the WashPost?

Posts Tagged ‘John Wood’

Illegal Conflicts Abound With Bush Nomination of Mr. ICE Princess as US Attorney

Posts Tagged ‘John Wood’

Another Reason for Her to Go: Immigration Chieftess’ Husband Gets Kansas City Appointment

Posts Tagged ‘John Wood’

Possible Good News on Immigration Enforcement; Bush Cronyism as Bad as Dem Cronyism

Posts Tagged ‘John Wood’

Immigration Agency Blows Off Oklahoma Immigration Efforts; ICE $$s Reserved for Baseball’s Lasorda

Posts Tagged ‘John Wood’