Supreme Court Agrees to Decide Gay Marriage Legality; Village People, Ghost of Arafat Celebrate

Posts Tagged ‘John Roberts’

Obama Quietly Removes HAMAS Terrorist Muhammad Salah From Terrorist List; May Get $1.4 Million in HAMAS/Qaeda Funds

Posts Tagged ‘John Roberts’

Obamacare Supreme Aftermath: Will GOP Really Repeal? Roberts Turns Out to Be Lib; Obama Tax on Middle Class

Posts Tagged ‘John Roberts’

Supreme Ct Ruling “Upholding” AZ Immigration Law Toothless, Irrelevant b/c of Obama Non-Deport Policy

Posts Tagged ‘John Roberts’

Proud New BabyDaddy @ Fox News

Posts Tagged ‘John Roberts’

Important Supreme Court Ruling on Illegal Aliens; Contradicts Hamdan Ruling on Geneva

Posts Tagged ‘John Roberts’

USA Today Wants SuperModel for Top Court: Absurdly Attacks Alito “Appearance”

Posts Tagged ‘John Roberts’

What Howard Stern Will Learn: Satellite Radio Has Censors, Too–The Left

Posts Tagged ‘John Roberts’

Ann Coulter Didn’t Know Jay-Z Then, Either

Posts Tagged ‘John Roberts’

Why “Justice” Roberts is so Important: Terrorism vs. Abortion

Posts Tagged ‘John Roberts’