A Tale of Two Dirtbags: The Republican “Choices” for Congress

Posts Tagged ‘Joe Knollenberg’

BREAKING – Feds Indict Former CAIR Michigan Chief/Current Muslim Charity Exec as Saddam Spy; But Per Usual, U.S. Attorney Murphy Allows Charity to Remain Open, Main Financier to Walk Free

Posts Tagged ‘Joe Knollenberg’

Thanks, Dr. Death: Suicide Doctor’s Nader-esque Congressional Race Will Help Hezbollah’s Republican Get Re-Elected; SCHLUSSEL Endorses Dems Running Against Hezbo Republicans

Posts Tagged ‘Joe Knollenberg’

Mitt Happens: Prominent Hezbollah Supporter/Funder in Romney Camp, Ditto for Bad News Political Hack

Posts Tagged ‘Joe Knollenberg’

Jihad Spence: Fred Thompson’s Pan-Islamist Campaign Manager

Posts Tagged ‘Joe Knollenberg’

ReTHUGlican: GOP Congressman Bilbray Says Libby Should Be Shot

Posts Tagged ‘Joe Knollenberg’

Now That He’s Dead: Two More of Saddam’s “American” Spies Get Busted

Posts Tagged ‘Joe Knollenberg’

Giant Sucking Sound: U.S. Pledges Millions to Hezbollah . . . er, Lebanon (Intel, Cisco Help)

Posts Tagged ‘Joe Knollenberg’

Lebanon’s Christians: Hezbollah & U.S. Aid to Hezbollah Driving Them Out

Posts Tagged ‘Joe Knollenberg’

Endorsement: Why I’m Voting For Rev. KEITH BUTLER for U.S. Senate; Bouchard’s Islamofascist Ties Very Troubling

Posts Tagged ‘Joe Knollenberg’