Andreas Lubitz: GermanWings Co-Pilot Hailed by Facebook Grp as “Hero of Islamic State”

Posts Tagged ‘ISIS’

Mohammed Emwazi: “Jihadi John” ISIS Butcher is Everything Obama, Jen Psaki Say ISIS Isn’t

Posts Tagged ‘ISIS’

Kayla Mueller: Dead ISIS Hostage Was Jew-Hating, Anti-Israel Bitch

Posts Tagged ‘ISIS’

Too Bad Jordan’s King Abdullah Won’t Send ISIS a Black September; ISIS Ties to Palestinian Rebellion

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How Would You Respond to Barbaric Muslim ISIS Murder of Jordanian Pilot? What I Would Do . . .

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Christopher Lee Cornell a/k/a Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah: Muslim Convert Planned Attack on US Capitol; Opposed Gay Marriage bc of Islam

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This is What Happens When You Have a Baby w/ a Muslim

Posts Tagged ‘ISIS’

No Tears for Abdul Rahman Kassig; Muslim Convert Learned True Islam: You Lose Your Head

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Steven Sotloff: Proud “Jewish” Supporter of HAMAS, ISIS, Rebels; His Anti-US Friends & Their Attacks on Me; “Deeply Loved Islam”

Posts Tagged ‘ISIS’

6,000 Foreign Students “Of Heightened Concern” Missing in US: How Many From ISIS, Qaeda? 58,000 Student Visa Violators/Overstays

Posts Tagged ‘ISIS’