Religion of Mentally Disabled Homicide Bomber “Peace”

Posts Tagged ‘Iraqi government’

Bush’s “Democratic” Extremist Iraq: Policewomen Ordered to Turn in Guns, Sent to Desk Duty

Posts Tagged ‘Iraqi government’

EXCLUSIVE: Top Muslim Brotherhood/HAMAS Official Infiltrated NASA, Now Iraqi Ambassador to Japan; ICE/DoJ Ties

Posts Tagged ‘Iraqi government’

Now That He’s Dead: Two More of Saddam’s “American” Spies Get Busted

Posts Tagged ‘Iraqi government’

Dual-Income Household: O’Hare Airport Gate Agent Was Spy for Iraq

Posts Tagged ‘Iraqi government’

Quick Quiz: What’s the Most Important Issue Facing Iraq?

Posts Tagged ‘Iraqi government’

MAZEL TOV!: Millions of U.S. Tax $s Went to Al-Sadr Terrorists, Terrorist Ops

Posts Tagged ‘Iraqi government’

Iraq = HAMASastan 2?: Supports Israel Boycott

Posts Tagged ‘Iraqi government’

OUTRAGE: U.S. “Women’s” Mag Celebrates Iraqi Insurgents

Posts Tagged ‘Iraqi government’