Baba Wawa Softpedals Her Friends, Syria’s Assads; Calls Them “Intelligent, Thoughtful, Lovely”

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GREAT VIDEO: Judge Judy Spot On About Dumb White Castle Fat Guy Lawsuit

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Me & BBC on Islam in America

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VIDEO – Rummy the Great: Why I’ve Always Loved Don Rumsfeld

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Listen to My Interview on Israel, the Loosened Blockade, Iran & Obama

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Partners in Sleaze: Remember, This Guy Endorsed Obama

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No More Sympathy for Jenny Sanford (Symbol of U.S. Foreign Policy)

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Interviewing These Movie Stars, Today; What Should I Ask?

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HOprah Watch: Oprah Previews Palin Interview

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Hmmm . . . Far-Left Financier, “Former” Nazi George Soros Part of Limbaugh NFL Bid Group?

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