The Oscars: The Stinking Stench Continues; Anti-Islam Animated Film Gets Shafted, Hypocritical Use of American Soldiers; Anti-War Fake-umentary Wins

Posts Tagged ‘Interpreter’

Weekend Box Office: Dumb as Hell “Be Kind Rewind,” Great “Vantage Point,” Bloody & Pointless “The Signal”

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Sleeping With the Enemy: Lt. Col. “Fraternizes” & More in Iraq

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EXCLUSIVE–OUTRAGE!: U.S. to Admit Thousands of Muslim “Refugee” Terrorists; DHS Recruits Employees for SYRIA!

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Life Imitates Art: Sean Penn/Nicole Kidman Movie Aids Terrorists

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Catching Up: Belated Best/Worst Movies of 2005

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Spicoli Explains “Death to America”

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“The Interpreter”: Sean Penn’s U.N. Mash Note

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