CYA Reading of the Day: Congress Excoriates DHS’ ICE Princess, “Serpenthead” Over Racist Behavior/Cover-Up; What is DHS/ICE Hiding in Secret Internal Report?

Posts Tagged ‘ICE official’

Live From the Immigration “Black Ass” Tour: Priorities, Priorities

Posts Tagged ‘ICE official’

Another Julie Myers Scandal: Who Is Wayne Baker & Where Did He Go? (More ICE Waste)

Posts Tagged ‘ICE official’

Early Christmas Present at Immigration?: Rumors Swirl on Senate Reject ICE Princess’ Impending Departure

Posts Tagged ‘ICE official’

A Not So Happy Thanksgiving at ICE?; ICE Official’s Charlie Brown Cameo; “Meltdown” Follow-Up

Posts Tagged ‘ICE official’

Homeland Security Official Wanted 2 Give Classified Info to 14-Year-Old; What Would Abu Murphy Do?

Posts Tagged ‘ICE official’

Robin Baker: Finally, An Immigration (ICE) Official We Can Applaud

Posts Tagged ‘ICE official’

Urgent Homeland Security Problem: Paul Hamm’s Olympic Gold Medal

Posts Tagged ‘ICE official’