Weekend Box Office: Hilarious Geeks-Fight-Back Flick, Depressing Anti-Christian Waste of Time, Etc.

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Weekend Box Office: Okay Trio of New Movies, Nothing Special

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Weekend Box Office: The Other Uday-Qusay Hussein Girl, Silly Will Ferrell Flick, Anti-American Abu Ghraib/Gitmo Diatribe, Etc.

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Dark, Depressing, Macabre Crap: The Movies The “Academy” Loves, But America Doesn’t

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Weekend Box Office: Dumb as Hell “Be Kind Rewind,” Great “Vantage Point,” Bloody & Pointless “The Signal”

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Weekend Box Office: Great Zombie Flick, Charming But Anti-Male Kids’ Film, Violent Colin Farrell Waste

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I Could Watch This All Day: Adam Sandler Does the Mossad – HILARIOUS!

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Our “Ally” Pakistan: A Hollywood Director Describes Paki Anti-American Racism

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Cool: Re-Mastered “Blade Runner” Hits Movie Theaters

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Weekend Box Office: Awesome Animated 10 Commandments Only Worthy Debut Among Much Garbage

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