Scary Shi’ite: Muslim GOP Hezbo Supporter May Be Elected

Posts Tagged ‘House of Representatives’

Hezbollah’s Fave Congressman Cites Me in Whining Anti-Semitic, Arab/Muslim “Race Card” Fundraising Letter

Posts Tagged ‘House of Representatives’

Shhhh!: Dem Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s Secret Farm Cash

Posts Tagged ‘House of Representatives’

5.5 Years After 9/11, TSA Still Not Checking Airport Workers

Posts Tagged ‘House of Representatives’

Enemies Celebrate: Arab Muslim World Happy GOP Lost

Posts Tagged ‘House of Representatives’

MICHAEL MOORE Urges “Help the Dems Win”: “A Day Without FOX News”?

Posts Tagged ‘House of Representatives’

Mark Foley Diarrhea: Notes on Dan Crane & Gerry Studds; The Studds “Monument”

Posts Tagged ‘House of Representatives’

Absurd: Queen Latifah Wants Women’s “Confidence” Day (?!); Wants to Run for Senate (??!!)

Posts Tagged ‘House of Representatives’