CYA Reading of the Day: Congress Excoriates DHS’ ICE Princess, “Serpenthead” Over Racist Behavior/Cover-Up; What is DHS/ICE Hiding in Secret Internal Report?

Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security Secretary’

Unhappy Birthday, Homeland Security

Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security Secretary’

Michael Chertoff’s “Project 28”: Serpenthead’s (and Barack’s and Hillary’s) Failed Virtual Border Fence

Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security Secretary’

Violence Against Border Agents Doubles: Increase in Giant Rock-Throwing, Shooting

Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security Secretary’

Happy Halloween, Julie Myers: ICE Princess Praised Racist Costume @ Official Party She Hosted

Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security Secretary’

Latest Homeland Security Boobery: Be on the Lookout for Small Boats

Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security Secretary’

HUH?!: “Serpenthead” Says We Must Be Unsecure Before We Can Be Secure

Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security Secretary’

Nasty Rumor: Michael “Chiquita Terrorists” Chertoff to Replace Resigned Gonzales as AG

Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security Secretary’

“Serpenthead” Chertoff Demands Rock Star Treatment; Partied @ Hamptons Instead of Dealing w/ Brit Doctors Jihad; 14(!) Bodyguards

Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security Secretary’

UPDATE on Muslim Terrorist Doctors: Suspect Docs Tried to Enter U.S.; Dr. Wameeth Fadhli of Texas; A Cassandra American Doctor Warned Us

Posts Tagged ‘Homeland Security Secretary’