HAMAS Terrorist Gets Only 1 Yr for Lying to ICE Agents, Leaves 5 Terrorist Anchor Babies

Posts Tagged ‘Holy Land Foundation’

Abu Ratib’s Detention Hearing: I Was There; Meet My HAMAS Terrorist Neighbor

Posts Tagged ‘Holy Land Foundation’

Abu Ratib: Thousands More Like Him in Our Midst; UPDATED: Indictment – Ran HAMAS Charity Out Detroit Home

Posts Tagged ‘Holy Land Foundation’

Absurd: Law Students Fight for ’93 WTC Bombers’ “Rights” to Recruit Jihadists from Jail; Feds Blowing Case

Posts Tagged ‘Holy Land Foundation’

The Dallas Muslim Honor Killings & ICE: I Correctly Called It, Dallas HQ, Plus Policy Implications

Posts Tagged ‘Holy Land Foundation’

Marketing Dearbornistan: How Do You Take the Islam Out of Michigan’s Islamistan?

Posts Tagged ‘Holy Land Foundation’

The Feds Blow Two More Terror Cases: Sami Al-Arian Now FREE To Go?! Ditto for Miami Sears Tower Plotter

Posts Tagged ‘Holy Land Foundation’

“A Touchy Area”: Detroit Won’t Give Firefighters Anti-Terror Intelligence Info B/c It Would Offend Arabs

Posts Tagged ‘Holy Land Foundation’

Big Surprise: CAIR Gloats Over HLF Trial Acquittals, Mistrial

Posts Tagged ‘Holy Land Foundation’

Sadly, Another Schlussel Prediction Comes True: Holy Land Foundation HAMAS Financiers Acquitted, Yet Another “Justice” Dept. Failure

Posts Tagged ‘Holy Land Foundation’