John Kasich on CNN: “Single Women With Children Are The Real Heroes in America”

Posts Tagged ‘Heroes’

Rachel Washburn, Hero? Ex-Eagles Cheerleader Soldier Honored @ NFL Game for Pandering to Muslims, Sharia

Posts Tagged ‘Heroes’

HILARIOUS VIDEO: Cleveland Kidnapping Hero Charles Ramsey History Channel Special

Posts Tagged ‘Heroes’

Obama, Tucson & Hero Inflation: 20% of Americans–Mostly Minorities–Are Now “Heroes?”

Posts Tagged ‘Heroes’

Lance Horton & Duane Jackson, American Heroes: Alert Vendors Saw NYC Bomb; Don’t Ignore the Cassandras

Posts Tagged ‘Heroes’

Let’s Hear it for Islamic “Tolerance”: This is Our Future–& Already Our Present, America

Posts Tagged ‘Heroes’

Shut Up & Act, #5,839,739: Annoying “Hero” Demands Audience with Cankles, McCain

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Happy Father’s Day, Dad (& the Rest of America’s Patriotic Pops)

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Bionic Woman Returns to TV; But Her Era is, Unfortunately, Long Gone

Posts Tagged ‘Heroes’

Welcome to America: Celebs Whine About Taxes on “Golden Globe” Freebies

Posts Tagged ‘Heroes’