The Company Feds Keep: Friend of Bush’s Detroit Feds, Judicial Nominee Murphy Publishes Tribute to Terrorist Mastermind of Israeli Yeshiva Massacre; UPDATE: Fixed Graphic

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Peanut Farmer Prez to Fete HAMAS Leader re-Israeli Hostage: You’re Paying for the Secret Service Detail

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More Desperate But Not Serious: FBI Turns the Other Cheek on European Terrorists

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More Immigration BS: The ICE Princess Cometh; Intro’d By Illegal Alien ID Proponent; Detroit Chief Hangs With Terrorists

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Crank Up the Neil Diamond: TSA Finally Gets Its Priorities “Straight”

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U.S. Olympic Committee Soaks Taxpayers For More Multi-Millions

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Thanks, Dr. Death: Suicide Doctor’s Nader-esque Congressional Race Will Help Hezbollah’s Republican Get Re-Elected; SCHLUSSEL Endorses Dems Running Against Hezbo Republicans

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Small Victory: On Easter Sunday, Italy’s Most Prominent Muslim Converts to Catholicism

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Cuban Soccer Players v. B Hussein O’s Preacher

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Eliot Spitzer: Client 9, White Collar Thug Gets His Due

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