Taylor Johnson: Heroic ICE Agent, Was My Client, Persecuted by Harry Reid, DHS – VIDEO

Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

Harry Reid Told Tourists They Smell, The Clintons’ “Dead to Us” List & Other Surprising Stuff From a NYTimes Guy

Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

HA! Sharron Angle’s Response to Behar: “Thanks for the $150K You Raised Me”

Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

VIDEO – “View’s” Joy Behar on Sharron Angle: “This Bitch is Going to Hell”

Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

Am I Allowed to Say This Word, Anymore? (Not That I Have, But . . .)

Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

A Little Intellectual Honesty on Harry Reid, Please: PC on the Right is Ugly

Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

Senator Tark the Shark Jr.?: Harry Reid Trails Top GOP Opponents

Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

Credibility is Important: On the Myers ICE Confirmation

Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

In Case You Were Wondering, ICE Princess Nomination One Day From Official Toast

Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

Story on Myers’ ICE Nomination, Not News; News: Unrepresentative DHS Black Org Has No Self-Respect; News: Joe Lieberman Worse Panderer Than Earlier Diagnosed; News: Sen. McCaskill – No Backbone, Sen. Bond – Myers’ Hubby’s Cousin Has Backbone

Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’