EXCLUSIVE: Obama Homeland Security Brass Spent Day B/f 9/11 Golfing w “Resigned” Sexual Harasser Suzy Barr

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Augusta National Caves to Feminists w/ Addition of Two Women, Incl. Condi Clueless

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Think Tiger Woods Would Do This?: Meet the World’s Most Honest Athlete

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A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Lies (Tiger Won the Masters?)

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Funny: VIDEO Commentary on Creepy Nike Dead Dad Ad & Tiger Woods Return

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“You Stay Classy, Tiger Woods” Moment of the Day

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Annoying Lawsuit of the Day: Pro Hockey Player’s McDonald’s-esque Money Grab

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Weekend Box Office: Kevin Bacon, You’re No Charles Bronson – “Death Wish” Redo Fails

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Islamic “Coma,” The Sequel: Your Muslim Doctor Could Kill You

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My “Mark Foley Moment”: How GOP vs. Dems Treat Their Sex Offenders

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