Muslim Rapper/Actor/Propagandist Mos Def Did What?! – Another STFU Moment

Posts Tagged ‘Gitmo’

Terrorist Skank Katherine Russell/Karima Tsarnaeva Hires Al-Qaeda Lawyer; Still Won’t Cooperate w Feds

Posts Tagged ‘Gitmo’

Mehdi Ghezali: Bush Freed Bulgaria Bus Bomber of Jews From Gitmo, Fake Mich Driver’s License No Coincidence

Posts Tagged ‘Gitmo’

EXCLUSIVE: Gitmo Terrorist Lawyer Cheryl Bormann Bragged About Nazi Relative Martin Bormann

Posts Tagged ‘Gitmo’

Cheryl Bormann: Gitmo Defense Lawyer Wears Hijab, Demands Other Women Cover Up to Respect 9/11 Terrorists

Posts Tagged ‘Gitmo’

More Gitmo Catch & Release Regurge: Gitmo Dude Now Taliban #2

Posts Tagged ‘Gitmo’

Meet Sarah Palin’s Chosen Candidate, the Nutty Rand Paul (Sympathizes w/ Iran, Compared U.S. Troops to Hitler, Etc.)

Posts Tagged ‘Gitmo’

Sarah Palin Endorses “Lindsey GrahAMNESTY”; Gives $1K to Israel-Hater

Posts Tagged ‘Gitmo’

Predictable “Art Therapy”: Two Released Gitmo Terrorists Behind Flt 253 Attack

Posts Tagged ‘Gitmo’

Better Sent to Gitmo: Oh, The Movies I Gotta Destroy

Posts Tagged ‘Gitmo’