CYA Reading of the Day: Congress Excoriates DHS’ ICE Princess, “Serpenthead” Over Racist Behavior/Cover-Up; What is DHS/ICE Hiding in Secret Internal Report?

Posts Tagged ‘George’

Michael Monsoor: Un-Hyphenated (Arab) American Hero; Americans Who Don’t Want to Be Known as Arabs: My Apology to Mayor Allan Mansoor

Posts Tagged ‘George’

“Religion of Peace”: Christmas in Gaza a Time of Fear

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So Many New Euphemisms for “Muslim Rioters” (& Terrorists); What’s Yours?

Posts Tagged ‘George’

OUTRAGE: Vital Immigration Functions OUTSOURCED! PLUS, ICE Princess, Now the Queen: Agents Ordered to Demure to Royalty

Posts Tagged ‘George’

Islamic “Coma,” The Sequel: Your Muslim Doctor Could Kill You

Posts Tagged ‘George’