Big Hints: Who Will Head Homeland Security Under a New President?

Posts Tagged ‘Fred Taub’

Why Won’t ICE–& Tommy Lasorda’s Buddy–Tell Us . . .

Posts Tagged ‘Fred Taub’

Telling Terrorists We Mean Business?

Posts Tagged ‘Fred Taub’

No Joke: Homeland Security Moving to Insane Asylum

Posts Tagged ‘Fred Taub’

When Rosie Fans a/k/a 9/11 “Truthers” Attack: Schlussel E-mail Hijacked; Threats of Site Shutdown

Posts Tagged ‘Fred Taub’

Small City vs. Big Business on Illegal Aliens: Hazleton Needs Your Help

Posts Tagged ‘Fred Taub’

Tax Deductions for Illegal Aliens; Illegal Alien Threat Level Color Chart

Posts Tagged ‘Fred Taub’

ICE’s $50,000 John: Well, Now We Know Why Immigration Wasted Our Tax $$$ on Tommy Lasorda

Posts Tagged ‘Fred Taub’

It Takes A Reagan: Michael Reagan on Hannity Show Gives Schlussel Proper Credit

Posts Tagged ‘Fred Taub’

Dept. of Homeland Lasorda-ty: Hey, ICE, Stop Lying

Posts Tagged ‘Fred Taub’