Merry Christmas From the Jihad Brothers! Planned to Bomb NYC Christians Using Christmas Tree Lights

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Jill Kelley Helped Muslim Nations, Hezbollah Infiltrate Central Command, MacDill Base; “Go To Girl” For Muslim Parties w/ Generals

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Disgusting VIDEO: Isn’t This Child Abuse???

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Evelyn Garcia: Florida Dem Official Resigns After Anti-Israel Diatribe, Called Israel “Concentration Camp”

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Do These George Zimmerman Comments & Actions Sound “Racist” to You?

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Illegal Aliens May Soon Be Be Lawyers in California & Florida!

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Muslim Chick Whines Over Not Being Allowed to Dress Like Robber @ Gas Station

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Meet the Newt-Bashing, Anti-Israel Islam-Pimpers for Romney

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Muslim Twinkie Defense Again: Another Jihadist “Flying While Muslim”

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

HATE: Saudi Muslim Student Visa Holder Spits on Americans; “Americans Push Us Around”

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’