Attention ICE/FBI/Secret Service/NSA/DoD & Other Sources Worried When Contacting Me, Visiting Site

Posts Tagged ‘federal law enforcement agency’

Aleikum Salaam, Abu Roberts: Hoffa-Digging, Islamo-Pandering FBI Honcho Leaves Town; Dreams of Terror Suspect’s Return

Posts Tagged ‘federal law enforcement agency’

Miami vICE: Did Top ICE Agent/Actor Vouch for Drug Fugitive, Get Him Border Inspector Job?

Posts Tagged ‘federal law enforcement agency’

SCHLUSSEL EXCLUSIVE: Immigration Agency’s Sweetheart Deal 4 Sex Criminal Agent; ICE Official Clark Made Deal

Posts Tagged ‘federal law enforcement agency’

Immigration Official Cites Schlussel – Abu Moskowitz Update

Posts Tagged ‘federal law enforcement agency’

Homeland Security for Sex Criminals: ICE/Customs Knew of Agent Fig’s Arrest, Promoted Him

Posts Tagged ‘federal law enforcement agency’

Frightening: Opening for Terror-Sympathizer Moskowitz to Head ICE National Security (+ Agents Hate Him)

Posts Tagged ‘federal law enforcement agency’