Azeez Ahmed Al-Ghaziani: Saudi Texan Indicted for Fake CIA, Military, Fed IDs; Dallas Paper Rips Schlussel “Irresponsible Speculation”

Posts Tagged ‘FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force’

Abdullatif Aldosary: Muslim Immigrant Bombed AZ Social Security Office in Terrorist Attack, Hid Bombmaking Recipes

Posts Tagged ‘FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force’

EXCLUSIVE: Top Muslim Brotherhood/HAMAS Official Infiltrated NASA, Now Iraqi Ambassador to Japan; ICE/DoJ Ties

Posts Tagged ‘FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force’

Terrorism Investigation: Fumes Released at Spokane Mall

Posts Tagged ‘FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force’

Chutzpah, Inc. Meets Spineless, Inc.: My Buds @ Terrorist Charity Sue Their Bank

Posts Tagged ‘FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force’

Terror Plot?: Why Did Two Indians (Muslims?) Break Into Heinz Field? Explosive Residue Found

Posts Tagged ‘FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force’

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Candidate is Indicted Terrorist Trucking School Chief, Tied to State Trooper Death

Posts Tagged ‘FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force’