Blame ICE: Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You About Sanctuary Houses of Worship

Posts Tagged ‘Elvira Arellano’

No Wonder: Is It Like This w/ Every Illegal Alien? – The DHS, ICE & Border Patrol Meltdown (Secret Videos of Immigration Enforcement Planning)

Posts Tagged ‘Elvira Arellano’

It’s About Time: ICE Proves Me Wrong & ARRESTS Illegal Alien Criminal Elvira Arellano; UPDATE: She’s Finally Gone

Posts Tagged ‘Elvira Arellano’

Prediction: Immigration Won’t Touch Illegal Alien Criminal Elvira Arellano

Posts Tagged ‘Elvira Arellano’

Why Won’t ICE’s Julie Myers Deport Elvira Arellano?: Well Past Time to Raid the Church

Posts Tagged ‘Elvira Arellano’