Meet Larry King’s Troop-Murdering Replacement, Piers Morgan

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Ripped Off By the L. A. Times: Peter Wallsten’s Cribbed Piece on Palestinian Support for Obama

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Weekend Box Office: Boring, Inaccurate Non-Football Football Flick; Charming Kids’ Adventure, Etc.

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Wikipedia Chief Admits Doctoring Girlfriend’s Entry–Did Jimmy Wales “Date” Monica Crowley, Too? UPDATE: Marsden Denies, Says Wikipedia Editors Reviewed Entry, No Relationship w/ Marsden Beyond 1-Night

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Schlussel in UK’s Spectator, Wall Street Journal, Today

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The Lies Called “Letters to the Editor”

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Pre-New Year’s Box Office: The Rest of The Rest of 2007 – Anti-Christian “Blood”, Sad But Funny “Bucket List,” Etc.

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Letters to the Editor of the Week: Annapolis

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Who is Mario Fundarski?: Anti-Semitic Nazi Flag-Flyer Was Muslim-Endorsed Candidate; Dearbornistan Hts. Hezbollah Judge to Decide Case

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“Deceptively Delicious”: Did Jerry Seinfeld’s Wife Plagiarize Her New Book?

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