GOP Official vs. Ron Paul: Saul Anuzis Needs to Look in the Mirror, Recruited Hezbollah to the GOP

Posts Tagged ‘Dick DeVos’

Take That!: MCRI/Proposal TWO Passes; Prediction Comes True; Buh-Bye, Affirmative Action

Posts Tagged ‘Dick DeVos’

Endorsements: If You Vote in Michigan, Remember . . .

Posts Tagged ‘Dick DeVos’

ISLAMerica: Michigan Gubernatorial Candidates Pander to Hezbollah

Posts Tagged ‘Dick DeVos’

Michigan GOP Uses Terror Supporter’s Building for Campaign HQ; New GOP Holiday . . . Ramadan

Posts Tagged ‘Dick DeVos’

Chutzpah, Inc.: Michigan GOP Recruits Fieger Associate, Trial Lawyer for Supreme Court; Promises Appt. After He Loses

Posts Tagged ‘Dick DeVos’

UPDATE on Detroit’s Fizzled May Day: Islamists ‘R’ Us

Posts Tagged ‘Dick DeVos’

Signs the Illegal Alien Apocalypse is Upon Us

Posts Tagged ‘Dick DeVos’