Jill Kelley Helped Muslim Nations, Hezbollah Infiltrate Central Command, MacDill Base; “Go To Girl” For Muslim Parties w/ Generals

Posts Tagged ‘Dhimmi’

No Tears for David Petraeus: Good Riddance to Islamopandering, Anti-Israel CIA Director; Put Himself in Blackmail Position

Posts Tagged ‘Dhimmi’

DISGUSTING VIDEO!: Dem Congressman Apologizes to Muslims on Behalf of America

Posts Tagged ‘Dhimmi’

Told Ya: Dhimmi Herman Cain Does Ramadan Contrition @Al-Qaeda Mosque

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Karma #2: Norway Utoya Camp Was Also FATAH PLO Terrorist Camp

Posts Tagged ‘Dhimmi’

CRACKPOT: FOX News Anchor “Osama Deather” Conspiracy Theorist- “MAYBE He’s Dead;” Claims Osama “Not Muslim”

Posts Tagged ‘Dhimmi’

Donald Trump’s Muslim Problem + HILARIOUS Video: Trump Campaign Ad

Posts Tagged ‘Dhimmi’

Spain Sponsors “Boycott Israel” Ads (VIDEO); Boycott Spain

Posts Tagged ‘Dhimmi’

Surrender Nation: Trucking Co Quickly Settles w/ Muslim Over Alcohol

Posts Tagged ‘Dhimmi’

Buh-Bye, Dhimmi Pastor Robert Schuller

Posts Tagged ‘Dhimmi’