CYA Reading of the Day: Congress Excoriates DHS’ ICE Princess, “Serpenthead” Over Racist Behavior/Cover-Up; What is DHS/ICE Hiding in Secret Internal Report?

Posts Tagged ‘Deputy Assistant Secretary’

ICE, The Joke that Keeps on Giving: New 2nd in Command at ICE Used Agency as Personal Harem; Gave Jobs to Women Who Slept w/Him – Son of Lasorda

Posts Tagged ‘Deputy Assistant Secretary’

Uncle Tom’s ICE: Congressmen, Senators Now “Shocked” At Myers Blackface Photos

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Serpenthead’s Strange New “Plan” for Homeland Security in a Time of Danger

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The Immigration “Leaders” Who Praised Blackface Costume; UPDATE: Rumor – ICE Princess Asked to Resign

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Sen. Grassley Questions DHS Sex Offender’s Pension

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BS Headline & Interview of the Week: Immigration Princess Valley Girl

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SCHLUSSEL EXCLUSIVE: Immigration Agency’s Sweetheart Deal 4 Sex Criminal Agent; ICE Official Clark Made Deal

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No Sale: Fed Up Immigration Agents Respond to ICE Princess’ Empty Bluster

Posts Tagged ‘Deputy Assistant Secretary’