Latest Global Warming Scare Tactic: “America Will Become Colonized by Giant Snakes”

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel They’

Videos of the Day (No, They Don’t Work for Michael Vick)

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel They’

American Hero Story of the Month!: Senior Citizen Marine Kills Armed Costa Rican Mugger

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel They’

Strange as a $2 Bill: What do Strippers & Illegal Aliens Have in Common?

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel They’

What Do Venezuelan Loon Hugo Chavez & Supermodel Elle MacPherson Have in Common?

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel They’

Absurd: Queen Latifah Wants Women’s “Confidence” Day (?!); Wants to Run for Senate (??!!)

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel They’