Guess the Religion, Cigarette Tax Fraud Edition

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel Thanks’

Just Got Back from Interviewing Billy Bob Thornton, Virginia Madsen, Polish Bros

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel Thanks’

Housekeeping: Digg Working Again

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Atlanta Muslim Guilty of Female Genital Mutilation (of His Daughter)

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Housekeeping Issues

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MSNBC Notices: Yes, I’m the One Who Coined the Term “Dearbornistan”

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel Thanks’

Me in USA Today on Katie Couric “Today” Departure

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Me in Today’s Raleigh-Durham News-Observer

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel Thanks’

Boycott Gary Busey: Washed-up Actor Plays Evil Jew in Turkish Blood Libel Film

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel Thanks’