More Rube TV Destined for Failure: Welcome to the Enviro-Celeb Channel; Tommy Lee Tells You How to Live

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel So’

Northwest Airlines, Fly with The Terrorists: Hezbo Leaders’ Cousin Now Holds Key Position in Major Airline

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel So’

Serpenthead Should Be Jailed for This Malpractice: Welcome to America, 47,000 Potential Terrorists – Feds Bow to Muslim Aliens’ Lawsuit Demands

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel So’

Those ‘Mazin’ Publick Skools: U.S. Fourth Graders Are “Childz” Left Behind

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel So’

Do 20% of Democrat Voters Hate Italians?

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel So’

Detroit Newspaper Islamist, Dearbornistan Dhimmi Mayor Make Excuses for Hezbollah Terrorist

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel So’

BREAKING: Mega(hed) Indictment – Smiling “Just Fireworks” Terrorists Indicted

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel So’

Failed Brit Doctor Terrorists Win: Sharia Dominates NHS

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel So’

Crocodile Tears Over Gaza Snakes

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel So’

As Goes the Muslim Mid-East, So Goes the Muslim Midwest

Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Schlussel So’