Pimp My Ride: Liberal Politician Soaks America Edition

Posts Tagged ‘DC’

This is Civil Rights?: When Coach is a Chick, the Sequel

Posts Tagged ‘DC’

Uncle Tom’s ICE: Congressmen, Senators Now “Shocked” At Myers Blackface Photos

Posts Tagged ‘DC’

BREAKING: As I Predicted, Lib Judge Cook Goes Soft–Abdullah Al-Muhajir a/k/a Jose Padilla Gets 17 Years, Jayyousi – 12 years

Posts Tagged ‘DC’

So Many New Euphemisms for “Muslim Rioters” (& Terrorists); What’s Yours?

Posts Tagged ‘DC’

ATF: Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives . . . & Muggings

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“A Touchy Area”: Detroit Won’t Give Firefighters Anti-Terror Intelligence Info B/c It Would Offend Arabs

Posts Tagged ‘DC’

2nd Bite ACTION ALERT: ICE Princess Confirmation Hearing Tomorrow; Call Sen. Judiciary Members

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Padilla Verdict: Very Glad I Got it Wrong, This Time

Posts Tagged ‘DC’

Jury to Iverson: If You Don’t Control Your Posse Thugs, You Must Pay (But Only a Little)

Posts Tagged ‘DC’