Ron Paul Refuses to Disavow Stormfront, Other Anti-Semitic, Racist Groups Openly Campaigning for Him

Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’

Partners in Sleaze: Remember, This Guy Endorsed Obama

Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’

Jihad Darrell, Hezbo’s Fave GOP Congressman: 9/11 “Simply” a Plane Crash

Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’

The Obama “Race Speech” Did Nothin’ For Me, How ‘Bout You?

Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’

Conceited Enabler & Big Phony: Sean Vannity Performs in Al Sharpton’s Minstrel Show

Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’

Was Thomas Jefferson Jewish?: Researchers Find TJ’s Possibly Jewish Genes

Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’

The Farrakhan Spaceship Lands in Motown: Media, Self-Anointed Jewish “Leaders” RE-Legitimize a Loon

Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’

New Low: Detroit News Publishes Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theorist, Employee of Raided Terrorist Charity

Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’

Our Friends & “Allies” From the “Religion of Peace”

Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’

“Rabbi” Jodi Foster: Mel Gibson’s Anti-Semitism “Expert”

Posts Tagged ‘David Duke’